ME Sitges Terramar

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Passeig Marítim 80
08870 Sitges, España
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Solicitud de información

ME Sitges Terramar Información sobre la empresa

Información generál

The simple fact of using the Page causes both natural and legal persons to be considered as Page Users and this compulsorily entails full and unreserved acceptance of all of the clauses and terms and conditions included in the Disclaimer. If the User does not wish to comply with the clauses ...and terms of use in this Disclaimer, he or she must refrain from using the Page.
MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. does not therefore accept any liability incurred, either directly or indirectly, as a result of the inappropriate use of services or content by Users, and will not be held responsible for any information, images, references or any other content that is communicated, hosted, passed on or exhibited through the services or content offered by MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A.. Users may access services or content at their own risk.
Through the Page, MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. will provide Users with access to and use of different Content published on the Internet by MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. or by authorised third parties.
By way of example, but under no circumstances restrictively or exclusively, the User undertakes:
1. Not to introduce or distribute content or propaganda of a defamatory, abusive, misleading,xenophobic or pornographic nature or content which is apologetic towards terrorism or infringes on the human rights, fundamental rights and public liberties that are recognised by the Spanish constitution and International Treaties.
2. Not to use the Facebook Profile for illegal or unauthorised purposes which incite violence or aggressive behaviour, dangerous practices, antisocial or illegal behaviour or behaviour which generates any form of defamation, insult, harassment, threat or infringement of third parties’ rights to privacy, honour, own image, secrecy of communications, industrial and intellectual property or personal data protection.
3. Not to introduce to the network or distribute any harmful virus or software likely to cause damage to the information systems belonging to the access provider.
4. Not to make undue or inappropriate use of any services or content that may be provided, such as chats or forums, etc.
5. Not to distribute, pass on or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content that constitutes illegal or disloyal advertising.
6. Not to distribute, pass on or make available to third parties any kind of information, item or content that constitutes an infringement of industrial or intellectual property rights, patents, brands or copyright belonging to MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. or third parties.
7. Not to distribute, pass on or make available to third parties any kind of information, item or content that constitutes an infringement of the secrecy of communications. MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. reserves the right to monitor, revise, keep and/or reveal at any time information with potentially criminal content or content which could contravene the national or international legislation in force and, specifically, when it is required to do so by legal or public authorities.

The User should refrain from obtaining or even attempting to obtain Content using means or procedures that differ from those which, depending on the circumstances, have been made available to the User for this purpose or were indicated for this purpose on the web pages where the Content is found or, generally speaking, from those which are normally used on the Internet for this purpose, unless these means or procedures do not run the risk of damaging or
disabling the Page and/or its Content.
Users will indemnify MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. and ensure that it is kept indemnified against claims made by third parties resulting from the use and content described in this document and, specifically, from the conduct described in section 12.
The User undertakes to use the Page and its Content in accordance with the legislation in force, the Disclaimer, and any other notice or instructions that are brought to the User’s attention, even if that is through this Disclaimer or any other part of the Content that makes up the Page, in addition to the rules of coexistence, morality and generally accepted practices.
Consequently, the User undertakes NOT to use any of the Content for ends or effects that are illegal, prohibited in the Disclaimer or by the legislation in force, detrimental to the rights and interests of third parties or that could in any way damage, disable, overload, worsen or prevent normal use of the Content, IT equipment or documents, files or any type of content stored on any IT equipment belonging to or hired by Sol Meliá, other Users or any Internet User (including both hardware and software).
The User undertakes not to pass on, distribute, or make available to third parties any type of material contained on the Page, such as information, texts, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound and/or image files, photographs, recordings, software, logos, brands, icons, technology, links, graphic design, source code or any other material that the User may have access to in his/her capacity as Page User, without this being an exhaustive list.

Likewise, and in accordance with the above, the User may not:
- Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way communicate in public, convert or modify Content, unless the User has been granted explicit written permission to do so by MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A., which is the holder of the corresponding rights, or unless this happens to be permitted by law.
- Delete, manipulate or in any way alter the copyright or other information identifying the reservation of rights by MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. or its owners, the prints and/or digital identifiers or any other technical recognition methods.
This Disclaimer is subject to changes and updates, therefore the version published by MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. may at any time differ from the copy that the User accesses on the Portal. Therefore, Users should read the Disclaimer on each and every occasion that they access the Page.

Authorised Use of the Facebook Profile and its Content The User undertakes to make appropriate and lawful use of the Facebook Profile and Content, complying with the applicable legislation, these Terms and Conditions of Use, morality and generally accepted practices and public order. Among other things, the User
must refrain from:
(i) making unauthorised or fraudulent use of the Facebook Profile and/or its Content;
(ii) accessing or attempting to access restricted resources/areas on the Facebook Profile,
without complying with the conditions required in order to do so;
(iii) using the Facebook Profile and/or its Content for ends or effects that are illicit, illegal or contravene the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, good faith and public order or that are detrimental to the rights and interests of third parties or could in any way damage, disable or overload the Facebook Profile or prevent the normal use or enjoyment of the Facebook Profile;
(iv) causing damage to the physical or logical systems of MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A., its suppliers or third parties;
(v) introducing or distributing on the network computer viruses or any physical or logical systems that are likely to cause damage to the physical or logical systems belonging to MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A., its suppliers or third parties;
(vi) attempting to access, use and/or manipulate data belonging to MELIÁ HOTELS
INTERNATIONAL S.A., third party suppliers or other Users;
(vii) reproducing, copying, distributing or enabling public access through any kind of public communication or convert or modify Content, unless prior consent has been expressly granted by the holder of the rights in question or if this happens to be permitted by law;
(viii) deleting, hiding or manipulating notes on industrial or intellectual property rights, and other information identifying the rights of MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. or third parties, which are included in the Content, in addition to technical protection devices or any other information mechanisms which may be included in the Content;
(ix) obtaining or attempting to obtain Content using means or procedures that differ from those which, depending on the circumstances, were made available for these purposes or have been expressly indicated on the web pages where the content is found or, generally speaking, from those which are normally used on the Internet, so as not to risk damaging or disabling the Facebook Profile and/or Content;
(x) modifying the source code of any page.

Introducing links Users who wish to create hyperlinks or links between their Facebook Profile and ours (the "Link") must adhere to the following obligations:
(i) The Link should only enable access to the Facebook Profile – it may not reproduce it in any way;
(ii) Links should not be placed on Pages other than the main “homepage” on the
Facebook Profile;
(iii) Neither a frame nor a border environment should be created on the Facebook Profile;
(iv) False, inaccurate or incorrect statements should not be made on the Facebook
(v) It shall not be stated nor shall it be inferred that MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. has in any way monitored or assumed the content or services offered or advertised on Facebook Profiles where Links have been placed;
(vi) The Facebook Profile on which the Link has been placed should not contain any
branding, commercial name, name of establishment, company name, logotype,
slogan or other distinctive markings belonging to MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. and/or third parties without their permission;
(vii) The Facebook Profile where the Link has been placed should not contain information or Content that is illicit, incites violence or aggressive or antisocial behaviour or that contravenes generally accepted practices, public order or any third party rights;
(viii) The correct name of the MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. Page should be indicated on the Link.

MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. reserves the right to modify or extend these obligations, either in general or in relation to specific cases, and the right to set a price for creating a Link prior to granting permission. Creation of the Link does not under any circumstances mean that any relationship exists between MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. and the owner and/or operator of the Facebook Profile where the Link is posted, nor does it constitute knowledge, acceptance and/or approval on the part of SOL MELIÁ of the Content and/or
services appearing on said Profile. MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. shall under no circumstances be held liable for any potential consequences resulting from the introduction of Links by third parties or for any content, information and/or services offered on websites where Links have been placed.

The User acknowledges and accepts that all of the industrial and intellectual property rights relating to Content and/or any other items which may be included on the Facebook Profile (including but without limitation to: brands, logotypes, commercial names, text, images, graphics, designs, sounds, databases, software, flow diagrams, presentations, "look-and-feel", audio and video) belong to MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. and/or third parties. Under no circumstances should providing access to the Facebook Profile imply any kind of waiver, transmission, licence or total or partial transfer of said rights, except where it is expressly
stated otherwise. These Terms and Conditions of Use for the Facebook Profile do not grant Users any other rights to use, alter, exploit, reproduce, distribute or publicly communicate the Facebook Profile and/or its Content which from those that are expressly stated herein.
Any other use or exploitation of any rights will be subject to prior and express permission being specifically granted for such a purpose by MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. or the third party who holds rights in question.
MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. permits Users to use, view, print and store Content and/or items included on the Facebook Profile exclusively for their personal, private and nonlucrative use, on the condition that in all cases the source and/or author of this Content and/or item is mentioned and that, in such cases, the owner’s copyright symbol and/or industrial property notes appear. The use, reproduction, communication and/or distribution of such items for commercial or lucrative purposes remains strictly prohibited, as does their modification, alteration or decompilation. For use other than those which are expressly permitted, it is necessary to obtain the prior, written consent of the proprietor of the rights
in question.
Supposing that the content of the Facebook Profile includes a User contribution which produces an industrial or intellectual property right, this will entail the exclusive transfer of all exploitation rights relating to said contribution to MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A., without any territorial limitation and regardless of form, for the duration of the period that the industrial and intellectual property is protected, taking effect as of when each work is received by MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A.. These exploitation rights include but are not limited to: fixing, reproduction, distribution, public communication, conversion and translation or digitization of the contribution, in addition to making it available to the public
through databases. MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. may introduce any modifications that it deems appropriate to the works with the aim of adapting them to commercial needs and without this being considered an infringement of the moral rights of the work’s author.
Users will be held responsible for the authorship and originality of their contributions, in addition to their peaceful use, exonerating MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. from any third-party claims.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for operation of the Facebook Profile
MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. does not guarantee the availability or continuous operation of the Facebook Profile or that of any other websites linked to it. Likewise, MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. shall under no circumstances be held liable for any kind of damage or injury which may result from:
(i) lack of availability or accessibility to the Facebook Profile or any other sites which are linked to it;
(ii) interruptions in the operation of the Facebook Profile or IT problems, telephone
faults, disconnections, delays or blockages caused by deficiencies in or overloading
of telephone lines, the Internet or any other electronic systems which occur while it
is in use;
(iii) lack of suitability of the Facebook Profile as regards the specific needs of Users; or
(iv) any other damage that could be caused by third parties due to unauthorised
interferences that are outside of the control of MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A.. MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. shall under no circumstances be held liable for any kind of damage or injury that may be caused by viruses or other items which could produce disturbances in physical or logical systems, electronic documents or files belonging to Users.
MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. takes various precautions to protect its Facebook Profile and Content against third-party attacks. Nevertheless, MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. does not guarantee that unauthorised third parties cannot gain access to the way in which the User utilises the Facebook Profile or the conditions, characteristics or circumstances in which said utilisation occurs. Consequently, MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. shall not under any
circumstances be held liable for any damage or injury potentially arising from said
unauthorised access.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for use of the Facebook Profile

MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. shall not under any circumstance be held liable for any potential use of the Facebook Profile or its Content by Users and/or third parties or for any damage or injury which may arise as a result.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility for Content

MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. does not edit third-party Content published on its Facebook Profile and consequently does not guarantee or accept responsibility for the legality, reliability, utility, veracity, accuracy, exhaustiveness and/or currentness of said Content. MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. will not under any circumstances be held liable for any damage or injury potentially arising as a result of:
(i) the lack of legality, reliability, utility, veracity, accuracy, exhaustiveness, and/or
currentness of third-party Content;
(ii) the unsuitability for any purpose or deceit of expectations generated by its Content;
(iii) decisions or actions taken or avoided by the User as a result of believing information or data supplied in the Content, including but without limitation to, loss of benefits or business opportunities.

Exclusion of guarantees and responsibility in relation to Links

The Facebook Profile makes technical linking devices, directories and search facilities available to Users, enabling them to access pages and/or websites which belong to and/or are managed by third parties. MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. verifies the existing Content of said pages at the time it places a link on them and it does so in the belief and good faith that such content complies with the applicable legislation. However, under no circumstances does MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. accept responsibility for, approve or recognise as its own any of the products, services, Content, information, data, files or any other type of material that exists on such web pages, nor does it control or accept responsibility for, approve or recognise as its own subsequent modifications made to said materials. In the event that it deems it appropriate or is required to do so by order of the court or public authorities, MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. will remove links to web pages that infringe on the applicable legislation and/or injure the rights of third parties.

MELIÁ HOTELS INTERNATIONAL S.A. reserves the right to institute as many legal proceedings as it is entitled to in order to ensure that any liability incurred as a result of the User’s failure to comply with any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Use for the Facebook Profile.

If you are younger than 14 years old, you may not register on this Website. In order to be able to use web services, children aged 14 - 18 must obtain prior permission from their parents, guardians or legal representatives, who will be considered as responsible for the actions of the minors in their care.
The User and Meliá Hotels international, S.A. agree that the current "General Terms to use Facebook profile and the Privacy Policy" are governed by Spanish law and subject to the jurisdiction of the Courts of Palma de Mallorca (Spain), renouncing to any another jurisdiction that they may be entitled."

Passeig Marítim 80 Sitges

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